we'll take sour sips from life's lush lips
coffee, tea, or me?


After much consideration (about 10 minutes worth!), I've decided to switch this blogeroonie over to the tumblr base. Same URL as always, but if you're reading this you probably follow me as laughalatte on blogspot...if so, TA-DA I bought my name, how awesome? Ha! Anyway, if you're still interested in my life and all that jazz, go thurrrrr!

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my date stood me up today
Yup. Stood me up like the big, douchebaggy tease I suspected him to be. I should have known that I couldn't trust someone with a such a BRIGHT smile. Too bright, I say!!! And alas, behind that bright, beaming ray of a smile was a dark, looming cloud of douchebaggery and evil. Evil enough to leave me all by my lonesome self, out in the cold in my teeny tiny skirt with no where to go.

Yup. My date stood me up today. His name? Mr. Sun. What a FREAK OF NATURE.

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Relationships ending move you from who you were to who you are at a much more accelerated rate than almost anything else on earth - RR

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busy as a bee can be a blessing
i'm busy at all hours of the day to the point where i can barely hold a single thought before having it split into two different thoughts that i can hardly write down fast enough, and i am LOVING IT. i haven't felt a sense of purpose in so very long. i'm finally living solely for myself and it is a breath of the freshest air from the least polluted part of the world (rmd: must google that later!) what started out as a simple distraction from negativity has outright consumed my life and although stressful, i finally feel like a full-fledged PERSON with contributions, ideas and the ability to inspire a mass of people rather than focus all that pent up energy on a single person. it is exhilarating. it's exciting. i can't wait to show everyone what i've been brainstorming. just hop into my brain and take a peek, why don't cha?

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the only thing
more fleeting
than summer
is childhood

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there's someone on your telephone
1) best ringtone on the face of the galaxy's most important moon
2) finding Hannah's eternal love via the love calc
3) watching optimus prime 2.0 shuffle and sleep
4) the "vince" is what I like about you
5) counting all of these pleasing moments

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felt so good to be bad not worth the aftermath after that
i still don't have a reason and you don't have the time
and it really makes me wonder if i ever gave a fuck about you
and you told me how you're feeling
but i don't believe it's true anymore
i wonder if it even makes a different to cry
so this is goodbye

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sometimes, i can be a pretty big d-bag and pretend i know a lot more than i really do...
too jaded?
okay, let me rephrase that...
sometimes, i expand on the little knowledge i already possess and create a facade of all-knowingness
that being said, life is reflective...or this is what i'm trying to be
so at this moment in time, i'm going to mentally drop everything i thought i knew
and open my mind to learning
and acceptance
and new ideas
let my previous knowledge fall out of the obnoxious basket i've been carrying it in
and let the wind carry it into the sea
and let it etch the sky so i can look it up like reference notes
and fill up the spaces between the lines that i left empty

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Built a wall around my heart

(I'll never let it fall apart)

But strangely, I wish secretly

It would fall down while I'm asleep

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the very essence of romance is uncertainty - oscar wilde

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Married Life (remix)

a remixed version of a song from one of my favourite disney movies, "up", to the scene of carl & ellie's flashback montage.

is there even anyone out there? if so...i suggest you press play and close your eyes for a gentle second before reading after the jump.

sure, it's 6am and i probably shouldn't have had that entire caramel iced coffee at 1am but it was $1. perfect justification right?

how do i say this?

i'm at a peaceful time in my life, albeit fleeting. i feel at ease and more balanced than ever. i guess it makes sense that balance would equal happiness to me seeing as i am a libra! (my psych teacher would kill me for saying that...)

anyway, at this moment in time, i'm in my bed, listening to this soothing song graze my eardrums, tucking and untucking my feet under my floral bedsheets while the sun rises up and through my translucent blinds.

bliss is fleeting...but i'll capture it in between these words before it goes.

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Necessary Discomfort

If I could sum up how I’ve been feeling recently in one word?


I know that word is extremely vague. I’m not inactive or unmotivated…I’m actually very far from it. My activity level in all aspects of my life is at its peak and I feel more inspired to create, to move, to be more than ever. I’ve met wonderful, interesting new people and sustained worthwhile old ones. If I’m being honest, its true that all of these positive events could not have happened without stemming from one, extremely impacting negative one but that’s just me recognizing the it-all-works-out of it all.

No, I’m not stuck in a mental sense (or physical…ha). I really am blessed in such areas. What I’m trying to express is how in-between everything is right now. I can say with great certainty that what happened was a positive experience in the grand scheme of things, but I yet I can’t say that I’ve moved past the negativity of it all. Basically, I know that going through all this emotional turmoil will make me a better/stronger person and I can look back and see it all as rewarding, but just being able to say that makes me uncomfortable. The fact that I recognize my current state and how it will affect me later just gives me this ill-fitted feeling of knowing too much. Someone grant me some negative capability?

Maybe it’s just me…but probably not.

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the greatest human victory is learning to let things go
All is well, and you will never get it done. Life is supposed to be fun. No one is taking score of any kind, and if you will stop taking score so much, you will feel a whole lot better — and as you feel a whole lot better, more of the things that you want right now will flow to you. You will never be in a place where all of the things that you are wanting will be satisfied right now, or then you could be complete — and you never can be. This incomplete place that you stand is the best place that you could be. You are right on track, right on schedule. Everything is unfolding perfectly. All is really well. Have fun. Have fun. Have fun! — Abraham

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yours truly, but not really

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he bent his head to touch my mouth and i had the perfect moment of indecision

and then your face flashed behind my eyes and i (forcefully) stayed

and suddenly it was your arms around me (heavy) and your hot breath in my ear

digging your fingers into my back, tugging the roots of my hair the way i loved

but reality slammed back and it was his lost hands, his unfamiliar raking touch

and you weren't there, and i found myself alone with a stranger

and strangely enough, that wasn't anything new at all

so i will let you go

because i'd rather feel lost and alone

than in the company of your empty stares and pitiful grins.

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i'm starting to wear thin,
find it harder to forgive
every time you let us

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sometimes people run from perfection they like to destroy it

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After a while you learn the subtle difference

between holding a hand and sharing a life
and you learn that love doesn’t mean possession
and company doesn’t mean security
and loneliness is universal.

And you learn that kisses aren’t contracts
and presents aren’t promises
and you begin to accept your defeats
with your head up and your eyes open
with the grace of a woman
not the grief of a child.

And you learn to build your hope on today
as the future has a way of falling apart in mid flight.
Because tomorrow’s ground can be too uncertain for plans,
yet each step taken in a new direction creates a path
toward the promise of a brighter dawn.

And you learn that even the sunshine burns
if you get too much
so you plant your own garden
and nourish your own soul
instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
And you learn that love, true love,
always has joys and sorrows,
seems ever present, yet is never quite the same,
becoming more than love and less than love
so difficult to define.
And you learn that through it all
you really can endure
that you really are strong
that you do have value
and you learn and grow
with every good bye
you learn.

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note to self
you do not exist you do not exist you do not exist you do not exist
exist you do not exist you do not exist you do not exist you do not
do you exist no do you exist no do you exist no do you exist no
no you don't exist no you don't exist no you don't exist no you don't

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glory god, oh god is peeking through the blinds
are we all here standing naked
taking guesses at the actual date and time?

oh my, justifying reasons why is an absolutely insane resolution to live by

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woman vs herself
there's a silent war happening between the right and left hemispheres of my brain and the cerebral cortex is the border that poisonous thoughts are afraid to cross and peacekeepers are warding them off but it's not working it's not working i need clarity i need faith i need something to hold onto that won't slip away

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How many times can I push it aside?
Is it time I befriended all the ghosts of all the things that haunt me most so they leave me alone?

I'd rather forget and not slow down than gather regret for the things I can't change now.

It's time to decide that it's out of my mind,
cause it'll be me unless I put some thoughts to rest and leave some faults behind.
I'll watch the glint in my eye, shine off the spring in my step.
And could be blinding depending on the amount of you that I reflect.

Cause I could spend my life just trying to sift through
What I could've done better but what good do what ifs do?

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blind to change
two years ago, on some cold day, you were wearing shorts and what was supposed to be a check-in, check-out, 5 minute phone call while you were walking home turned into you sitting on your steps, me on my bed, talking for another hour or so.

one year ago, we basked in our glory days. the way your eyes crinkled when you laughed sent shivers down my spine (the good kind). waking up to your sleepy smile on rainy days, our bodies tucked into each other perfectly in a mess of bedsheets and tangled legs. we cooked kisses for breakfast and stuffed our faces with endless bags of popcorn, usually at strange and unhealthy hours of the night. even as we stumbled along, sweaty and smelling of beer, you'd never let me forget what i meant to you. you held me and it was pitch black and you said you were afraid and i whispered that i'd never go, i'd never leave.

one month ago, your crinkly eyes and sleepy smile showed up in my memory and sent shivers down my spine (the bad kind). i tossed and turned with endless questions and what ifs and what abouts and maybes ifs...which brought me right back to those very steps you sat on that first day.

one week ago, i was on the outside looking in. i heard your words and they still sting. and for the first time, i see. we changed together. we changed and changed until we changed apart. i was naive enough to believe that we'd stay stagnant and simple but we are no exception. i am no exception. i no longer know you the way i did.

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This one time I painted a living room with a girl.

This was a handful of years back. It was about eight months before the huge, flame-out of a breakup. That day, though? That day we painted the living room? It was pretty uneventful. We painted my parents living room for $50 between us and a pizza. That was it. I think we watched Anchorman or something after that.

But it still holds as on of the most indelible memories I have. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not still in love, it happened, it was good, it ended, and we’ve both moved on. But I’ll never forget that day. Because it’s never, in the long run, about the grand gestures. You can fly across the world and show up on her doorstep with a rose in your teeth and a ring in a little velvet box but I can guarantee you that - more often than not - she’s going to remember the time you built the birdhouse in the back yard, or what have you, a whole lot more.

Life wasn’t meant to be taken in large movements. The next day will inevitably arrive, you’ll sleep, and the moment will have passed. But when you have a hundred thousand small moments, you can step back and appreciate the picture a lot more than metaphorically blowing your load on some grand moment that, in all honesty, look, you’re not Bruce Fucking Springsteen, you’re not going to be able to blow everyone’s mind every single night. You’re not Romeo and/or Juliet. There’s no reason to drink the poison together in some flame-out gesture. So that leaves us with the small stuff. It’s all about the detail.

That’s what love is. Attention to detail.

And the moment will end. And then things will get boring. And it might get a little quiet. And it might all end horribly. And you might hate eachother at the end. And you might walk away from eachother one day and never speak again. But that’s just how it goes.

But she’ll remember the time you held the door open for her on your first date.
She’ll remember the time you laughed at her impression of the landlady.
She’ll remember the time you stayed up all night that first time.
She’ll remember the small things a lot longer than the big ones.

But everything ends. And I’ll tell you why you have to make the small things, the small moments count so much more:

One day, probably a while longer from now, when old age takes ahold of someone, she might just only remember your smile. Everything you ever did together, every second, every moment, every beat, every morning spent in bed, every evening spent together on the sofa, all of that - gone. Everything you ever did will be reduced to the head of a pin. She won’t remember your name. She’ll just remember your smile, and she’ll smile. She won’t know why. It’s a base, gut reaction. But she’ll smile, uncontrollably, and it will come from somewhere so deep as to know that you touched her on a primal, honest, and true level that no scientist, scholar, or savant could everbegin to explain. There is no more. There is nothing else. There is just this: She’ll remember your smile, and she’ll smile.

And you know what? That’s all that really matters in the end.

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the six rules of maybe
  1. Respect the power of hope and possibilities. Begin with belief. Hold onto it.
  2. If you know where you want to go, you're already halfway there. Know what you desire but, more importantly, why you desire it. Then go.
  3. Hopes and dreams and heart's desires require a clear path - get out of your own way.
  4. Place hope carefully in your own hands and in the hands of others.
  5. Persist, if necessary.
  6. That said, most importantly-know when you've reached an end. Quit, give up, do it with courage. Giving up is not failing-it's the chance to begin again.

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fluffy motivation
Snow. Every year, snow is the silent but fluffy motivation for my posting. I'm not sure why, but there's something so moving about the slight fall-drift-fall of snow. I had a wondrously comfortable day, where the events just seemed to fit together, however spontaneous. It was coffee-cold this morning, meaning it was so cold that I needed to buy a cup of java just to warm my fingers up on my way to class. After my last class, I spent a warm transition of afternoon-into-evening with Giuliana. For three hours, we never paused our endless conversation covering some pretty major-league topics. I really do miss those first moments that you discover someone and find out all the things you have in common with them, it's probably the most refreshing part of life...to be able to say, "Me too!" and chatter on about it for minutes if not hours. Maybe it's because in those first few moments with that person, you are no longer strangers but not familiar enough to express your differences.

When my time on campus ticked to an end, I brisk-walked my way across UBC towards the bus loop, slicing the air with my razor sharp cowboy boots and mittens. I noticed the light rain that I love, the slight buzz that comes with street lights reflecting off pavement. In those moments alone, the rain and the light and the pavement made sense all bound into one. I whisper-talked to some nice women on the bus. I got off the bus and walked, not as briskly this time, but at a slow pace, taking in the neon lights of cafe signs and restaurants.

Soon, or what seemed like soon after, I was sitting on a bar stool at the Killarney Starbuck's with my salted caramel hot chocolate and a free sample of a pecan/chocolate/peanut butter bar, plugged into my laptop. For the first time, I was alone and I didn't feel disappointed by it...I felt quite the opposite, almost overjoyed at my comfort with this alone time. I certainly didn't look deep into myself and do any personal self-reflection, but my satisfaction level felt satisfied for the first time in months.

Unplugged, I picked Hannah up from work and spent my belated weekly laughter-filled night with her, covering topics only two people who've known each other for years could touch on. With our hair straightened and junk food consumed, our exciting movie marathon began...and I fell asleep on her, as per usual. She is one of, if not the only person, I feel completely as peace with myself with, someone I don't have to put on a front for in any way whatsoever. Her family gatherings around her tiny room/door frame are something I look forward to being a part of. The night ended, and Carly drove me home in the newly fallen snow. Cars were pushed and hills were conquered...I'd made it home. The snow reflected the street lights into the pink-grey sky, but I didn't wait around to admire. There's plenty of time for that within the next few months!

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downtown w/ nina kiri. earmuffs. crepes. family speak. sense of self. past lives. freezing cold. rain. comfort.

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i feel the sun creeping up like tick-tock, i'm trying to keep you in my head but if not, we'll just keep running from tomorrow with our lips locked
if i wake up tomorrow will you still be here?
i don't know if you feel the way i do

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days like this
sometimes i think about that
whisper between autumn and winter when it all started,
when we traveled on foot at the absence of a car
and the wind hitting our bodies was an excuse to touch-
collide at the bend of our fingers ever so slightly
until one of us mustered up the bravery to reach out.
i pull myself back into that second where
you pulled my hand up to your flushed cheek
and abruptly flung me over your back,
where i remained the whole way home as you
soaked your runners in puddles to save my furry shoes.
i often crave for those small gestures of surprise-
your nose buried in my hair, warm hands over ears,
the feeling of not knowing what would happen next
like reading a picture book for the very first time.
sometimes, i miss the days of discovery where
favorites places and things were discussed and debated,
but as much as i miss, crave, and pull myself back into such moments
i know that even if i was given the chance,
i wouldn't be anywhere but right here and now

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